Healthy Regimen
Getting your healthy life started can be overwhelming especially when you don't know what to focus on first. But it doesn't have to be complicated. It's simply making a healthy choice with your next meal or deciding to take a brisk walk today instead of putting it off. If you usually eat a candy bar or something sweet with every meal, skip a desert for one meal. If fast foods are your staple, choose a home cooked meal instead. Remember, you’re taking a life long journey of being good to your body by eating nutritious foods that benefit the body instead of junk foods that feed your emotions. Planning will be important to your success so grab a notebook and start creating your personal eating and exercise plan for the next 21 days. It's takes 21 days to form a habit! Here are a few basic things to get you started.*
- Feed Your Mind - Where the mind leads, the body follows. Feed your mind with positive affirmations such as, "I choose to feed my body nutritious foods today and everyday; I exercise daily because it is tied to my overall health and well being" to become "health" conscious. When you develop a mental picture of what you want your healthy life to look like, your mind will help to realize it. Find a picture of when you were your healthiest and place it where you can see it often. Reminisce how you felt at that time and what you were able to do better as a result. This will get your creative juices flowing.
- Eat More Vegetables - Foods that are alive and in their most natural state can provide the greatest levels of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes to the body. Write a list of vegetables that you like and of those you want and should add to your healthy regimen. Use cooking methods of steaming, boiling, broiling, or lightly sautéing. Or just simply eat them raw.
- Move More - Look for opportunities to move more. Small bursts of energy add up during the day. Instead of using the elevator try taking the stairs. Park farther away to get more steps in. Enjoy a 15 min power walk at break time. Join a gym or find a workout buddy. Just get moving!
- Read the Label - Become knowledgeable about the foods you eat. Read every label to know what you are eating. Pay close attention to sodium, sugar, and fat levels in foods and avoid any that are in the medium to high range. Beware of marketing labels of Fat Free, Low Carb, Whole grains, and 100 Calories. Some are not all they are cracked up to be so read the ingredients. And remember, nothing taste as good as being healthy feels.
- Journal - Keep track of your progress. Jot down your daily food intake so you're able to see what you're eating and how much you're moving. Also, journal your thoughts of how you look and feel and what you're learning about yourself on the journey.

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