
Friday, September 20, 2013

Toxic Overload

Prescription after prescription, sadly this is what most Americans have resulted to – a bunch of pills that treat one symptom after another without getting to the root cause.  Have you noticed lately that the cost of health insurance has increased, but the amount of time spent talking with your Doctor during an office visit is decreased?  The next time you go to the doctor, notice the actual amount of time spent in conversation about your health. On average, it’s about fifteen minutes or less.  And in most cases you leave with another prescription to be filled.

The truth is most aliments come from having a poor diet with little to no exercise.  America! The land of plenty where you can have whatever you want in excess, without limit, and all you can eat. What in the world are we thinking?  Wake up America!  We’re becoming a body of toxic waste – a breeding ground for disease. Isn’t it time that we take responsibility for our own health?  How bad does it have to get before something clicks to trigger change? 

We have the power to change, but we have to be willing to do so.  Make a commitment to yourself. Start with baby steps.  Incorporate more vegetables and fruit in your diet.  Eat less meat and less dairy. Incorporate some form of exercise into your day.  Drink more water without adding additives.  Listen to your body.  It will heal itself if given the chance.    


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